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The application for the LCACP examination is for verification that you have met the prerequisites for the LCACP exam. There is a separate fee for taking the exam.


Prerequisites may be met by any one of the following:

  1. A college degree at the undergraduate (4-year) or graduate (2 year) level in LCA, environmental science or environmental engineering, and
    • A minimum of 3 years of direct LCA-related work experience, and
    • Direct participation in 6 or more LCAs that are either critically reviewed or published in a peer-reviewed journal.
  2. A college degree at the undergraduate (4-year) level in any field with a minor in science, technology, engineering or mathematics, and
    • A minimum of 3 years of direct LCA-related work experience, and
    • Direct participation in 8 or more LCAs that are either critically reviewed or published in a peer-reviewed journal.
  3. LCA skills gained through work experience:
    • A minimum of 4 years of direct LCA-related work experience, and
    • Direct participation in 12 or more LCAs that are either critically reviewed or published in a peer-reviewed journal.

*NOTE: Details and restrictions regarding acceptable documentation for prerequisites fulfillment:

  • Work experience is substantiated by an attestation letter from employer(s).
  • College degree and education qualifications are evidenced by submission of diploma and transcripts.
  • “Critically reviewed" refers to independent (internal or external) critical review for conformance to ISO 14044.
  • Submission of proof of LCAs may be: (1) internally or externally independently reviewed ISO-14044 conformant LCA Report with critical review appendix or reviewer-signed letter of conformance to ISO 14044; (2) published EPD showing LCA Project Report was independently reviewed to ISO 14044; and (3) peer-reviewed technical journal article in a reputable scientific journal (e.g., International Journal of LCA, Science, Nature). 
    • Applicant must be listed as the LCA author or co-author on all submitted documentation
    • LCAs must represent diversity in products, services, and technologies studied (e.g., multiple LCAs studying the same product categories do not fulfill prerequisites)
    • EPDs (or their originating LCAs) may make up no more than half of the LCA work presented as proof of participation. 
      • Repetitive EPDs will be counted as one. i.e., only one EPD stemming from a multiple-EPD LCA report will be accepted as proof of participation in that one LCA. 
      • Multiple EPDs for the same product and with similar scope will be counted as one item, regardless of how many background LCA reports, EPDs or manufacturers were involved.
    • Publications in trade journals and non-scientific conference proceedings do not fulfill prerequisites for peer-reviewed journal articles. Multiple publications on the same item or LCA will be counted as one item.
    • LCAs completed using streamlined LCA software (including LCA building software or other pre-verified platforms) - where the user does not have to make decisions regarding methodology (e.g., data quality, allocation, interpretation, etc.) – do not fulfill prerequisites and may not be counted toward the number of LCAs, whether peer-reviewed or not, as they do not demonstrate sufficient understanding of all aspects of LCA required for LCACP certification. This includes pre-verified EPD tools - such as those used by the concrete and asphalt sectors in the US).

Documentation will be reviewed by the ACLCA Certification Committee members. In case of conflicting views on the evidence submitted, ACLCA’s verdict is final. 

  • LCACPs must maintain membership in ACLCA. LCACPs must honor and sign the ACLCA Code of Ethics.
  • LCACP prerequisites are subject to review and update every 12 months by ACLCA.

ALL SUBMITTED MATERIALS ARE KEPT CONFIDENTIAL. Submission of all materials verifying the prerequisites must be completed no later than one month before the planned exam date and may be emailed to